The Ministry
Mission and Vision
Our Vision
A model organization that promotes economic development, good governance, and social progress for all Mauritians through accountable, efficient, equitable and sustainable management of public finances; and that effectively markets Mauritius as a reputable financial centre and successfully attracts higher levels of investment.
Our Mission
- To formulate and implement sound macroeconomic and fiscal policies to ensure sustainable economic and social development of the country and improve standard of living.
- To ensure adequate allocation of funds and optimise revenue mobilisation, while providing the right incentives for economic growth and social development
The Ministry is responsible for formulating the Economic Development Policies and for the Economic Management of the Affairs of Government so as to achieve faster and sustainable economic development
This Ministry is also responsible for the financial soundness of Government's economic policy and for the proper control of revenue and expenditure. The Financial Secretary as Supervising Officer of this Ministry has the responsibility to ensure that the functions of this Ministry are carried out economically, efficiently and effectively and its objectives duly achieved
The key functions of this Ministry are defined as follows: