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​​Budget 2002-2003 Capital Budget Estimate​

​​Friday 14 June 2002

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MEMORANDUM on Capital Budget 2002-2003
The Capital Budget 2002-2003 makes provision for an expenditure of Rs 9.13 billion. The estimated balance of the Capital Fund at the end of Financial Year 2002-2003 is given in the statement at page 1. Details of development projects included in the Capital Budget, and annotated M, are given below.
Ministry of Public Utilities
Electricity and Power
30-082.002– Loan to CEB for Transmission Line Project (Rs 140 million)
The project aims at increasing the reliability of electricity supply and network capacity in Mauritius. It consists of the supply and installation of 37 Km of new double circuit 132 KV transmission line from Dumas to Wooton and Amaury passing through L’Avenir.
The project, estimated to cost Rs 520 million, is being financed jointly by Government of Mauritius, the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development (KFAED) and the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA).
The provision of Rs 140 million is for the completion of the project scheduled for December 2002.
Water Resources
30-083.003 - Loan to CWA for District Water Supplies (Rs 20 million)
The project aims at improving the supply of potable water in the district water supply system and consists of the upgrading of water distribution system in the East. It is estimated to cost Rs 66 million and will be implemented over three years.
The provision of Rs 20 million is for the implementation of the project in 2002-2003.
30-083.004 - Loan to CWA for Mare aux Vacoas Water Supplies (Rs 55 million)
The project aims at satisfying water demand for industrial, commercial and domestic purposes until the year 2020 in the central region of Mauritius by developing new water sources and increasing water treatment capacity. Storage facilities and distribution systems will also be improved.
The project consists mainly of the following:
(i) La Marie New Treatment Works;
(ii) laying of pipelines;
(iii) completion of rehabilitation of Pradier Canal; and
(iv) improvement of water supply in Chamarel.
The project is being financed jointly by loans from the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA), Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development (KFAED) and the Government of Mauritius.
The provision of Rs 55 million is for meeting the cost of on-going works.
Ministry of Housing and Lands

30-221.001 – Loan to National Housing Development Company Ltd (Rs 120 million)
The project consists of the construction of 5000 very low cost housing units of the Firinga type over a period of 5 years.
The loan of Rs 120 million to the National Housing Development Company Ltd is for the completion of a first batch of 524 housing units and starting works for the construction of 1,000 additional houses.
Office of the President
31-011.001 - Upgrading and Refurbishment of the State House (Rs 60 million)
The project aims at upgrading and refurbishing completely the State House and other ancillary buildings and services.
The objective of the project is to preserve the historic building from further deterioration. The estimated cost of the project is Rs 225 million. Works have started in April 2002 and is expected to be completed by April 2003.
The provision of Rs 60 million is to meet scheduled payments for 2002/2003.
31-013.003 - Contribution to the State Property Development Company Ltd (SPDC Ltd) for the Construction of
Mahebourg District Court (Rs 1.9 million)
The State Property Development Company Ltd is the Project Coordinator responsible for the appointment of consultants for the Mahebourg District Court project.
The provision of Rs 1.9 million represents Government contribution to SPDC Ltd for payment to consultants.
Independent Broadcasting Authority
31-015.001 - Equipment (Rs 3 million)
The provision of Rs 3 million is mainly for the acquisition of equipment for controlling the nature of broadcasting services, quality of programmes and advertising.
31-023.002 – Construction/Improvement of Police Stations (Rs 20 million)
The provision of Rs 20 million is mainly for:
(i) meeting preliminary expenses and to enable works to start in respect of the Police Stations at Camp Levieux, Grand Bois, Pointe aux Cannoniers, Goodlands, La Ferme (Rodrigues), and the National Security Service Building;
(ii) the completion of extension and renovation works at Stanley, Abercrombie and Souillac Police Stations; and
(iii) the improvement and renovation of other police stations throughout the island.
31-023.008 – Construction of District Headquarters (Rs 20 million)
The provision of Rs 20 million is meant for the following:
(i) construction of Curepipe Divisional Headquarters;
(ii) construction of Vacoas Sub- divisional Headquarters; and
(iii) to allow works to start on Police Band Headquarters at Vacoas.
31-023.010 - Closed Circuit TV Surveillance System (Rs 40 million)
The provision of Rs 40 million is for the procurement of equipment (cameras) in connection with the installation of a closed circuit system in Port Louis and Eastern Command Detention Centre at Moka.
31-023.011 – Police Training Centre (Rs 5 million)
The project, estimated to cost Rs 360 million, aims at the setting up of a modern Police Training Centre at La Vigie which will be equipped with facilities for enhancing academic training and the professional standards of Police Officers.
The provision of Rs 5 million is for meeting preliminary expenses.
31-023.013 – New Passports (Rs 35 million)
The project aims at the renewal of the Mauritius passports using modern technology and comprising new security features.
The project is estimated to cost Rs 60 million and will be implemented in two phases.
The provision of Rs 35 million is for:
(i) new passports – Rs 25 million;
(ii) Passport Personalisation System – Rs 5 million; and
(i) purchase of a machine for verifying passports – Rs 5 million.
31-023.014 – Upgrading of Candos Range (Rs 1 million)
The Candos range is used by both the Police Force and the SMF. The project, estimated to cost Rs 20 million, consists of the upgrading of the range and the construction of a wall to ensure safety and security in this area.
The provision of Rs 1 million is for meeting preliminary expenses.
31-023.104 – Counter Disaster Equipment (Rs 5 million)
The provision of Rs 5 million is for the purchase of payloaders to be used by the SMF during natural disasters and in emergencies.
Government Information Service
31-026.001 - Development of Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation (Rs 40 million)
The provision of Rs 40 million represents Government contribution to the Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation for the acquisition of 2 outside broadcasting cars (Rs 30 m) and for the purchase of equipment for the computerisation of the radio services and TV Station in Rodrigues (Rs 10 m).
Deputy Prime Minister’s Office and Ministry of Finance
31-031.013 - Contribution to the SPDC Ltd (Rs 5 million)
The SPDC Ltd is the Project Coordinator responsible for the appointment of consultants for the Renovation of the
Treasury Building Project. Consultancy works are estimated to cost Rs 21 million representing 9.95% of the total project cost of Rs 210 million.
The provision of Rs 5 million represents Government contribution to the SPDC Ltd for payment to consultants.
31-031.015 – Contribution to the Trust Fund for the Social Integration of Vulnerable Groups (Rs 75 million)
The main objective of the Trust Fund is to implement projects and schemes with a view to assisting the vulnerable and needy groups in improving their living conditions and thereby better integrating in society.
The provision of Rs 75 million is for the implementation of the poverty alleviation programme which includes Rs 22 million for the Dockers’ Village Project.
Equity Participation
31-032.003 - Preferential Trade Area Re-insurance Company (ZEP-RE) (Rs 1 million)
The Preferential Trade Area Re-insurance (ZEP-RE) Company is an institution of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) and was established by an Agreement signed by Heads of States and
Governments in 1990. The company was officially launched in 1992 with its headquarters in Nairobi and started accepting reinsurance business in 1993.
Mauritius has agreed to subscribe an amount of 100 shares at US $ 1,364 each to the equity capital of the ZEP-RE Company to support regional initiatives. The company is currently carrying on business in 19 African countries, including Mauritius.
The subscription of the 100 shares amounts to about Rs 3.6 million payable in 3 installments of 50%, 30% and 20% in the first, second and third year respectively.
The provision of Rs 1 million is in respect of the payment for the third installment.
31-032.008 – Equity Participation – State Land Development Company Ltd (Rs 0.5 million)
The State Land Development Company Ltd has been set up, under the Companies Act, with Government and the DBM as shareholders, to acquire and hold the 3,000 arpents of land under Illovo deal and develop same for eventual allocation to different organisations/institutions in conformity with Government development priorities.
The provision of Rs 0.5 million represents Government contribution towards the share capital of the company for the financial year 2002-2003.
31-032.009 – Equity Participation – The Mauritius Post Ltd (Rs 200 million)
In line with Government policy to restructure the postal services in Mauritius, the Mauritius Post Ltd has been set up under the Companies Act, with Government and State Investment Corporation as shareholders.
The assets of the Postal Services estimated at Rs 200 million will be taken over by Mauritius Post Ltd in return for the issue of shares to Government for an equivalent amount.
The provision of Rs 200 million is to enable Government to subscribe to the shares of the Mauritius Post Ltd.
Ministry of Industry and International Trade
31-041.009 - Film Production Scheme (Rs 1 million)
The objective of the scheme is to set up structures for the development of film industry and to encourage the production of films by local filmmakers.
The provision of Rs 1 million represents financial assistance to emerging local film producers in the form of seed
capital, which will be recovered through marketing of the films produced.
Ministry of Agriculture, Food Technology
& Natural Resources
31-051.008 – Nature Walk (Rs 2 million)
The project aims at the creation of a Nature Walk at Mont Vert, Forest Side.
The project includes the following:
(i) provision of a recreational space to the general public;
(ii) carrying out restoration work on the site and preservation of patches of indigenous forests;
(iii) utilisation of the site for educational purposes; and
(iv) creation of a small nursery for the propagation of ornamental and medicinal indigenous plants for sale, amongst others, to visitors.
The estimated cost of the project is Rs 10 million.
The provision of Rs 2 million is mainly for meeting preliminary expenses.
31-051.009 – National Biotechnology Institute (Rs 10 million)
The project aims at revitalising the Mauritian non-sugar agricultural sector through a concerted biotechnology based approach. The first phase consists of the construction of a building at Réduit to house the Institute.
The provision of Rs 10 million is mainly for meeting consultancy services regarding engineering and quantity surveying works and architectural designs for the proposed building.
31-052.008 – Contribution to Irrigation Authority (Token)
In view of the recurrent nature of expenditure under this item, provision is being made in the Recurrent Budget.
Livestock Development
31-054.002 - Construction of New Quarantine Station (Rs 1 million)
The project aims at the construction of a new quarantine station at La Ferme to provide quarantine facilities for imported animals following the closure of the Roche Bois Quarantine Station.
The provision of Rs 1 million is for meeting preliminary expenses.
Food Technology
31-055.001 - Food Laboratory (Rs 5 million)
The project aims at the creation of a modern Food Laboratory for carrying out a wide range of specialised tests for products of both plant and animal origin.
It consists of the construction of a building and supply of equipment at an estimated cost of Rs 50 million.
The provision of Rs 5 million is for preliminary expenses and to enable works to start.
Ministry of Social Security, National Solidarity
& Senior Citizen Welfare and Reform Institutions
31-061.008 – Grant to National Agency for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Substance Abusers (Rs 2 million)
The project consists of the setting up of a detoxification centre for substance abusers. It will be housed in a renovated building of the Prisons Department at Barkly, Beau Bassin.
The provision of Rs 2 million is mainly for the renovation and upgrading of the building and for the purchase of equipment and furniture.
31-061.009 – Construction of a New Disability Centre (Rs 2 million)
The project aims at the construction of a disability centre at Pointe aux Sables. The estimated cost of the project is Rs 25 million and it will be partly financed by Lux Development.
The provision of Rs 2 million is for preliminary expenses.
31-062.001 – Youth Rehabilitation Complex (Rs 15 million)
The project, estimated at Rs 68 million, consists of the construction of a new building at Beau Bassin for young detainees.
Construction works are expected to start in July 2002 and to be completed within 18 months.
Ministry of Local Government and Rodrigues
Local Government
31-071.007 – Integrated Project – Jardin de la Compagnie and Surroundings (Rs 5 million)
The project aims at the integrated development of the area surrounding the Treasury Building, the Museum/Mauritius Institute premises, the ‘Jardin de la Compagnie’ and the covered part of the Pouce Stream up to Cinema Majestic and ‘Butte à Tonniers Stream’. The first stage will involve the preparation of a Master Plan for the integrated development of the area
The provision of Rs 5 million is for meeting the cost of consultancy services and preliminary expenses.
Fire Services
31-072.002 – New Fire Stations (Rs 10 million)
The provision of Rs 10 million is for the completion of construction works at St Aubin Fire Station and to enable works to start for the construction of new Fire Stations at Triolet and Tamarin.
31-073.057 - Contribution to the SPDC Ltd for the Construction of Swimming Pool at Port Mathurin (Rs 12 million)
The aim of the project is to further develop sports infrastructure for the young people of the island.
The provision of Rs 12 million represents Government contribution for the construction of an Olympic Standard Swimming Pool at Port Mathurin.
31-073.151 - Construction/Extension of Secondary Schools (Rs 80 million)
The provision of Rs 80 million is for the following:
(i) construction of two State Secondary Schools at Mon Lubin and Songes;
(ii) extension of existing State Secondary Schools at Maréchal and Le Chou; and
(iii) conversion of Citron Donis into a Form VI college.
The secondary school proposed to be constructed at Terre Rouge is now planned to be constructed by the
Roman Catholic Education Authority through loan facilities from the Development Bank of Mauritius Ltd.
31-073.155 - Contribution for Renovation of RCA Primary Schools (Rs 0.5 million)
The provision of Rs 0.5 million represents Government contribution for minor repairs to Ste Famille School, Don
Bosco and St. Esprit R.C.A primary schools.
National Development Unit

31-074.001 – National Development Unit Projects (Rs 300 million)
The project aims at improving basic amenities throughout the island and upgrading social infrastructure in deprived regions.
The provision of Rs 300 million is for the implementation of the following:

(i) resurfacing and construction of roads;
(ii) construction and rehabilitation of drains;
(iii) installation of pipes for domestic water supply;
(iv) construction/upgrading of sports and recreational facilities;
(v) construction of multipurpose buildings and community centres;
(vi) provision of street lighting and flood lights on volley ball pitches; and
(vii) minor projects including construction of handrails, cremation shelters, bus shelters, boundary walls, renovation of toilets and provision of sewerage facilities.
31-074.004 - Contribution to the SPDC Ltd for the Construction of Cavendish Bridge (Rs 1.3 million)
The SPDC Ltd is the Project Coordinator responsible for the appointment of consultants for the Cavendish Bridge Project.
The provision of Rs 1.3 million represents Government contribution to SPDC Ltd for payment to consultants.
Ministry of Public Utilities

31-081.001 - Renewable Energy Project/Power Sector Reform (Rs 10 million)
The projects aim at improving the efficiency of the power sector through structural reforms.
The provision of Rs 10 million is for meeting the cost of consultancy services for advising on the following:
(i) the best options for power sector reforms;
(ii) the setting up of a wind farm of 5 – 10 MW in Mauritius; and
(iii) the establishment of a National Solar Council.
31-081.002 - Utilities Reform (Rs 1 million)
The provision of Rs 1 million is for meeting the cost of consultancy services for a study to be carried out on water sector. The study will provide a better understanding of the most appropriate option available for restructuring the Central Water Authority.
Water Resources

31-083.005 - Midlands Dam (Rs 350 million)
The project aims at improving water supply for domestic, industrial and irrigation purposes in the North. The Midlands Dam is being constructed on the upper course of Grand River South East (GRSE) in the centre of the island. Water will be conveyed to La Nicolière Reservoir from the Midlands Reservoir via the existing GRSE – La Nicolière System.
The project is being implemented in two phases: -
Phase I - Construction of the new dam with an initial capacity of 25.5 million m3 (estimated to cost Rs 1.2 billion); and
Phase II - Increasing the capacity of the dam from 25.5 million to 42 million m3 (estimated to cost Rs 400 million)
Works for the first phase started in January 2000 and are expected to be completed by the end of 2002.
The Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development (KFAED) and the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA) have each provided financial assistance to the tune of US $ 10 million for the implementation of the project.
The provision of Rs 350 million is for completion of the first phase of the project.
Waste Water

31-084.002 - Plaine Wilhems Sewerage - Stage II (Rs 200 million)
The project aims at the design and construction of 27 km trunk sewers, 220 km of secondary and tertiary sewers and about 26,500 additional house connections in the district of Plaine Wilhems for eventual collection of effluents to St Martin Treatment Plant. The project is financed jointly by Government of Mauritius, the European Union, European Investment Bank, the People’s Republic of China, the Kuwait Fund and the African Development Bank. The project implementation will be phased over 3 years.
The provision of Rs 200 million is to meet the cost of consultancy services and to enable works to start.
31-084.005 - St Martin Treatment Works (Rs 270 million)
The project consists of the construction of a new treatment plant at the existing St Martin sewerage treatment plant to cater for the increasing volume of domestic and industrial effluents from the Plaines Wilhems area. The effluents after treatment will be used for irrigation purposes.
Works started in January 2001 and are expected to be completed by January 2004. The European Union has provided a grant of EURO 16.7 million (about Rs 450 million) for the implementation of the project.
31-084.006 – Grand Baie Sewerage Project (Rs 200 million)
The project aims at providing sewerage facilities in the Northern Tourist Zone (from Trou aux Biches to Cap Malheureux). The effluents after treatment will be used for irrigation purposes, mainly sugar cane plantations. The project will cover an area of 575 hectares representing 74 km of sewer network.
The Agence Francaise de Developpement has provided a loan of FF 75 million equivalent to Euro 11.4 million (about Rs 300 million) for financing the project.
Works started in August 2001 and are expected to be completed within 36 months.
31-084.010 - Baie du Tombeau Sewerage Project (Rs 65 million)
The project consists of the proper collection, treatment and ultimate disposal of residential and industrial effluents of both Baie du Tombeau and Port Louis North.
The European Investment Bank has provided a loan of EURO 16 million (about Rs 400 million) for the implementation of the project. The Federal Republic of Germany, through the Kreditanstalt Fur Wiederaufbau (KFW) has also agreed to provide a grant of DM 5.7 million (about Rs 75 million) and a loan of DM 0.5 million (about Rs 6.5 million) for financing the project.
The provision of Rs 65 million is for the construction of street sewers and individual house connections.
31-084.011 - Environmental Sewerage and Sanitation Project (Rs 100 million)
The project aims at controlling waste water pollution from the heavily urbanised areas of Port Louis, with a view to protecting the health and sanitary conditions of the population as well as the coastal ecosystems.
The project consists of the following:
(i) the setting up of sewerage network covering the regions of Fort Williams to Pointe aux Sables;
(ii) construction of two pumping stations at Fort Victoria and Pointe aux Sables;
(iii) construction of sewerage treatment stations at Montagne Jacquot, covering the residential, commercial and
industrial areas of Port Louis South, Lower Beau Bassin and Coromandel; and
(iv) setting up of a sea outfall of about 645 metre long at Montagne Jacquot.
The project is financed partly by loans to the tune of US $ 12.4 million (about Rs 372 million) and US $ 33.6 million (about Rs 845 million) from the World Bank and the OECF (Japan) respectively.
Ministry of Tourism

31-091.001 - Grand Baie Integrated Resort Development Project (Rs 15 million)
The objective of the project is to improve the quality of life of the local community and to establish the area of Grand Baie as a world class destination for tourists. The project is financed jointly by the public sector and the private sector.
The provision of Rs 15 million is for the construction of the Grand Baie Inner Bypass.
31-091.002 – Maintenance and Development of Touristic and Leisure Infrastructure (Rs 10 million)
The project, estimated to cost Rs 75 m, consists of the upgrading of the village of Trou D’eau Douce as well as its public beaches and Main Street.
The provision of Rs 10 million is for meeting preliminary expenses and to enable works to start.
Ministry of Environment

31-101.001 - Environment Management, Protection and Conservation (Rs 160 million)
The projects falling under the Second Environmental Investment Programme (EIP II) aim at ensuring sustainable development by providing environmental services, encouraging responsible environmental practices and enforcing appropriate environmental standards and enhancing the quality of life of the island.
The projects include, among others, the Environment Information System, review of the National Physical Development Plan, an aggressive national sensitization campaign, studies on coastal erosion, study on environmentally sensitive areas, Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan, upgrading of Canal Anglais, uplifting of vicinities of NHDC complexes and embellishment of Khadafi Square and Plaine Verte Garden.
The projects for Rodrigues include Rehabilitation of dumping site at Roche Bon Dieu, construction of septic tanks and the setting up of an Environmental Laboratory at Port Mathurin.
Moreover the Living Environment Unit is implementing diverse landscaping and embellishment projects which aim at improving and conserving the physical environment of public places, schools and socio-cultural organisations.
Ministry of Public Infrastructure,
Land Transport and Shipping
31-111.001 – Construction of Bridges (Rs 20 million)
The provision of Rs 20 million is for:
(i) improvement works at Rivière du Poste Bridge and upgrading of Calebasses Bridge (Pont 50 sous); and
(ii) construction of the footbridges at Phoenix near Oxenham over M1, Coromandel over A1 and Belle Village over A1 near Diva Building.
31-111.004 – Contribution to Road Development Authority (Rs 395 million)
The provision of Rs 395 million to Road Development Authority is for the following projects:
(i) Second Carriageway from Nouvelle France to Plaine Magnien - Rs 140m;
(ii) Ebene – Rose Hill Link Road – Rs 80m;
(iii) South Eastern Highway – Rs 40m;
(iv) Vandermeersch – Réduit Road– Rs 30m;
(v) Rehabilitation of Phoenix – La Vigie Road – Rs 2m;
(vi) Bel Air –Trou D’Eau Douce Road – Rs 3m;
(vii) Coastal Distributor Road (Northern Tourist Zone) – Rs 2m;
(viii) Improvement to Caudan Roundabout – Rs 10m;
(ix) Access Road to Triolet Market Fair – Rs 12m;
(x) Realignment of Black River –Savanne Coast Road (B9) at Bel Ombre – Rs 15m;
(xi) Road maintenance - Rs 58m; and
(xii) Other projects – Rs 3m.
Land Transport
31-112.005 – Construction of Traffic Centres (Rs 30 million)
The provision of Rs 30 million is for the construction of traffic centres at Flacq and at Ebene.
31-112.007 – Contribution to National Transport Corporation for Relocation of Depot at Rivière du Rempart (Token)
The project aims at enabling the National Transport Corporation (NTC) to transfer its bus transport activities to a new site at Haute Rive. The land presently occupied by the NTC Depot will be used to accommodate a major environmental project.
Ministry of Women’s Rights, Child Development
and Family Welfare
31-141.006 - Community and Micro Enterprise Development Programme (Rs 2 million)
The project consists of two sub programmes, namely the Community Development Programme (CDP) and the Micro Enterprise Development Programme (MEDP), and is partly funded by way of loan from IFAD Rural Diversification Programme.
The CDP aims at reversing the emergence of social exclusion and potential marginalisation pertaining to young women headed households and addressing income imbalances that exist in interpersed rural and peri-urban areas.

The MEDP aims at enhancing both the managerial skills of low income women and their capacity to generate income from their existing micro-enterprise operations and expanding the outreach of micro financial services intermediaries.
Ministry of Education and Scientific Research
31-161.006 – Improvements, Renewals and Minor Projects (Rs 30 million)
The provision of Rs 30 million is mainly for:
(i) the construction/upgrading of toilets and undertaking, minor improvement/renovation works in schools; and
(ii) the upgrading of Government buildings other than schools falling under the aegis of the Ministry of Education
and Scientific Research.
31-161.009 – Institut Superieur de Technologie (Rs 1 million)
The provision is for the purchase of furniture and equipment for the Institut Superieur de Technologie formerly known as Institut Polytechnique – Camp Levieux.
31-161.010 – Swami Dayanand Institute of Management (Rs 3 million)
The provision is for the purchase of furniture and equipment for Swami Dayanand Institute of Management. Such expenditure was previously met under the item “Extension and Equipment – Polytechnic Institutes”
31-161.012 – World Hindi Secretariat (Token)
The project aims at the promotion of Hindi as an international language. It consists of the construction of a building to house the World Hindi Secretariat, a documentation centre for research and an international Hindi library. The project is at a preliminary stage.
31-161.013 – Zones D’Education Prioritaires (ZEP Schools) (Rs 8 million)
The project aims at improving performance in low achieving primary schools which have recorded a CPE pass rate of less than 40 percent over the last five years. It consists in creating favourable learning conditions for children in these schools through the improvement of school infrastructure.
The provision of Rs 8 million caters for the following:
(i) purchase of classroom furniture;
(ii) construction and upgrading of toilet block;
(iii) landscaping, fencing and erection of blockwalls; and
(iv) renovation of staffroom.
31-163.001 - Construction /Improvement of Primary Schools (Rs 225 million)
The provision of Rs 225 million is mainly for:
(i) the construction and improvement of primary schools; and
(ii) the construction of computer laboratories and reading rooms in primary schools to cater for the curriculum renewal which includes the introduction of Information Technology as a new subject.
31-164.001 - Construction/Conversion/Extension of Secondary Schools (Rs 1 billion)
To bring about the major reforms in the education sector, a programme for construction, conversion and extension of State Secondary Schools has been elaborated.
The provision of Rs 1 billion is for the implementation of the following projects:
(i) construction of State Secondary Schools;
(ii) construction of Form VI colleges;
(iii) conversion of SSS Vocational into Secondary Schools; and
(iv) upgrading of existing Form I to III SSS into Form I to V SSS.
31-165.001 - Support for Tertiary Education Sector (Rs 123 million)
The provision of Rs 123 million is for the following:
Tertiary Education Commission
- Rs 7 million for Computerisation of Financial Management System of the TEC and other tertiary education institutions and for purchase of furniture and equipment;

University of Mauritius
- Rs 90 million for the construction of the Engineering Tower and the Multi-Purpose Gymnasium Complex and for the purchase of office and laboratory equipment, furniture, computers and sports equipment;

Mauritius Institute of Education
- Rs 4 million for the purchase of furniture, equipment, motor vehicle and renovation of canteen;

Mahatma Gandhi Institute
- Rs 7 million for the construction of Fine Arts Building (second Phase), purchase of furniture and equipment;

Mauritius College of the Air
- Rs 7 million for the purchase of production and office equipment and software; and

University of Technology, Mauritius
- Rs 8 million for preliminary expenses and to enable works to start for the construction of a Resource Centre and the purchase of furniture and equipment.

Ministry of Health and Quality of Life

31-171.009 - Upgrading and Extension to Dr. Jeetoo Hospital/New Dr. Jeetoo Hospital (Rs 20 million)
The project aims at the renovation and extension of the existing Dr Jeetoo Hospital and the construction of a new hospital near the existing hospital which will increase the total bed capacity to 550.
The new hospital will consist of the following: Outpatient Department, SAMU, Emergency services, Cardiac, General Medicine and Orthopaedic Surgery, Maternity and related services units.
The project is estimated to cost Rs 750 million and will be financed partly by a loan from African Development Bank.
Construction works are expected to start by the end of this year and to be completed by 2005.
The provision of Rs 20 million is for meeting preliminary expenses and to enable construction works to start.
31-171.012 - Upgrading of Victoria Hospital/New Central Outpatient Department (Rs 45 million)
The project aims at the upgrading of Victoria Hospital and the construction of a New Outpatient Department. The latter will consist of a basement for parking, stores, a mortuary, a ground floor for Accident and Emergency, Outpatient, X-Ray and Pharmacy departments, a first floor for Administration, OPD, Medical Records and a second floor for Operating Theatres, Central Laboratory and Rest Rooms.
The project is estimated to cost Rs 175 million and is to be financed to the tune of US $ 3,250,000 (Rs 80 million) by a loan from the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA).
31-171.015 – Souillac District Hospital (Rs 75 million)
The project aims at improving the quality of health care services to inhabitants within the catchment area of Souillac.
It consists of the construction of a building comprising 3 blocks of 3 levels and a basement for Accident and
Emergency Unit, Outpatient Department, Operation Theatre, Dental Surgery Rooms, Radiology and Orthopaedic Services, Labour and Maternity Wards with Nursery, Paediatric Wards and other related services. The project is estimated to cost Rs 200 million.
Works have started in June 2001 and are expected to be completed in January, 2003.
31-171.018 – New Psychiatric Hospital (Rs 40 million)
The project aims at providing modern outpatient care, day care and community care for persons with mental disorders in the society.
It consists of the construction of a 250 bed-capacity building comprising an Outpatient Department, Medical Records Department, Electro Convulsive Therapy Department, Electro Cardiogram Department, Adult and Adolescent Wards, Stores, Administration Block and Dental Clinic.
The provision of Rs 40 million is for meeting preliminary expenses and to enable works to start.

Ministry of Arts and Culture
31-181.001 – Cultural Centres (Rs 2 million)
The provision of Rs 2 million is for meeting the cost of consultancy services and renovation works to the General Post Office Building, identified to house the Nelson Mandela Centre for African Culture.
31-181.006 – Vehicles and Equipment (Rs 3.5 million)
The provision of Rs 3.5 million is for the following:
(i) purchase of one lorry for use at the Head Office – Rs 1m;
(ii) purchase of library software and microfilm processor for the National Library – Rs 1.5m; and
(iii) purchase of audio and video equipment for the Film Archives and the installation of smoke detectors in the stack areas of the Department – Rs 1m.
31-181.012 – New Natural History Museum (Rs 4 million)
The project consists of the construction of a building at Moka to house the Natural History Museum, presently located at Mauritius Institute.
The provision of Rs 4 million is for meeting preliminary expenses.
Ministry of Fisheries
31-191.005 – Demarcation of Swimming Zones in the Lagoon (Rs 3 million)
The project aims at providing a safe swimming area in the lagoon of public beaches and to prevent undue disturbance on the sea floor in areas adjacent to the swimming zone.
The provision of Rs 3 million is mainly for installation of buoys and line of floats.
31-191.008 - Construction of a Fisheries Training and Extension Centre (Rs 2 million)
The objective of the project is to provide infrastructure for the training of fishermen and staff of the Ministry of
Fisheries and to cater for public awareness on various aspects of fisheries and the marine environment.
The project consists of the construction of a building at Pointe aux Sables to house an exhibition hall, fishermen training centre, an information and documentation unit, a model fisheries post, fisheries protection service headquarters and associated facilities.
The provision Rs 2 million is for fencing and landscaping works.
31-191.009 - Regional Indian Ocean Commission Monitoring Control and Surveillance Project (Rs 3 million)
The objective of the project is to control pelagic fishing exploitation in the region of the Indian Ocean and to harmonise all legislation pertaining to the control and management of pelagic resources. The project will be financed partly by the European Union and the COI members. It consists in the establishment of a regional monitoring control and surveillance system through satellite tracking, including sea and air patrols.
The provision of Rs 3 million represents Government contribution to the project.
Ministry of Economic Development, Financial Services
and Corporate Affairs
31-201.001 - Studies and Preliminary Project Preparation (Rs 20 million)
The provision of Rs 20 million is for meeting cost of studies commissioned by various Ministries to be identified during the course of the financial year and for payment of salaries and allowances to specialists and advisers employed on contract basis. The studies include consultancy services for carrying out an institutional review of the Government Fire Services.
31-201.007 – Financial Sector Supervisory Authority Project (Rs 15 million)
The objective of the project is to support the establishment of the Financial Services Commission as an effective regulatory institution in the non-bank financial sector, which will eventually become a single integrated agency covering all prudential and market conduct regulation. The project is estimated to cost Rs 75 million and will be financed partly by a loan of US $ 1.81 million (about Rs 60 million) from the World Bank.
The implementation of the project has already started and it is expected to be completed in about two years.
31-201.008 - Action Plan for Poverty Alleviation Programme (Rs 10 million)
The Action Plan provides a framework for a set of pragmatic actions by all partners (Government, NGOs, Private Sector and International Organisations) to operate in a coordinated manner towards poverty reduction.
The provision of Rs 10 million is for starting implementation of the actions recommended in the plan.
Ministry of Commerce and Co-operatives
31-212.003 – Atelier de Découpe Project (Rs 1 million)
The project aims at the setting up of an “Atelier de Découpe” within the compound of the Mauritius Meat Authority which will add value to pig meat produced by breeders.
The provision of Rs 1 million is for preliminary expenses.
Ministry of Housing and Lands
31-221.001 – Housing Rehabilitation and Site Infrastructure (Rs 215 million)
The provision of Rs 215 million is for the following:
(i) Shell Housing Project - Rs 60 m for provision of site infrastructure to 1000 Shell Housing Units;
(ii) Serviced Site Project - Rs 30 m for provision of basic infrastructure to building sites which will be leased to families whose monthly income vary between Rs 7,500 and Rs 10,000;
(iii) 1522 Low Cost Housing Project - Rs 60 m to enable infrastructure works to start on the 18 building sites identified. The project is partly financed through a loan from the Exim Bank of China;
(iv) 60 Semi-detached Housing Units - Rs 0.3 m for retention money; at Richelieu
(v) Upgrading of Ex-CHA Estates - Rs 9.7 m for meeting the cost of rehabilitation of road and drains;
(vi) Rehabilitation of Sugar Camps - Rs 10 m for provision of site infrastructure on building sites provided to Sugar Camps dwellers; and
(vii) Repayment of 2nd Malaysian loan - Rs 45 m for repayment of part of the second Malaysian loan relating to infrastructural development.
31-221.002 - Very Low Cost Housing Project - Site Infrastructure (Rs 120 million)
The provision of Rs 120 million is for meeting the cost of infrastructural works for very low cost houses of Firinga type.
Ministry of Information Technology
and Telecommunications
31-231.003 – Contribution to National Computer Board for the Government On-Line Centre Project (Rs 35 million)
The provision of Rs 35 million represents Government contribution to the National Computer Board for the procurement of IT equipment for the Government On-line Centre Project.
Postal Services
31-232.001 - Postal Tower (Rs 40 million)
The project comprises the construction of a high rise building on Illovo Land at Ebène to accommodate the Post Office Headquarters, the Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunications, and its Divisions and eventually the Government Online Centre.
The provision of Rs 40 million is for meeting preliminary expenses and Architectural Consultancy Services and to enable works to start.
Ministry of Training, Skills Development and Productivity
31-253.001 - Construction/Conversion/Extension - Employment Information Centre (Rs 1 million)
The project aims at the extension of the building at Mapou Information Centre with a view to providing a better service to jobseekers and employers. The estimated cost of the project is Rs 2 million.
Ministry of Youth and Sports
31-261.003 – Construction of Sports Complexes (Rs 28 million)
The provision of Rs 28 million is for the following:
(i) Sports Complex at Bambous - Rs 20 million for consultancy services and retention money in respect of Phase I and for construction works for Phase II;
(ii) Sports Complex at Bon Acceuil - Rs 0.5 million for retention money;
(iii) Extension and Additions - Rs 2.0 million for electrical works; to CNFF building
(iv) Judo and Table Tennis Hall - Rs 3.0 million for retention money; at Beau Bassin
(v) Leisure Land - Rs 0.5 million for construction works at Piton, Roche Noires, Malherbes, and Barlow; and
(vi) Sports Complex at Glen Park - Rs 2 million for retention money.
31-261.006 – Construction of Swimming Pools (Rs 1.5 million)
The provision of Rs 1.5 million is for payment of retention money in respect of Rivière du Rempart Swimming Pool.
31-261.011 – Multi Sports Complex (Rs 20 million)
The project consists in the construction of a basketball cum handball gymnasium at Phoenix to provide appropriate sports infrastructure in these disciplines.
The estimated cost of the gymnasium is Rs 45 million. Works are expected to start in July 2002 and to be completed in April 2003.
31-261.012 –Weightlifting and Boxing Gymnasia (Rs 40 million)
In the context of the Indian Ocean Island Games in Mauritius in 2003, two gymnasia (a weightlifting gymnasium and boxing gymnasium) and a building for the Sports Medical Unit will be constructed at Vacoas.
Works are expected to start in June 2002 and to be completed by April 2003.
31-261.013 - Grant to the Association for the Upgrading of Indian Ocean Islands Games Sports Infrastructure (Rs 60 million)
The Association for the Upgrading of the Indian Ocean Islands Games Sports Infrastructure has been set up to co-ordinate and oversee works relating to the improvement of various sports infrastructure in the context of the
Indian Ocean Islands Games scheduled for August/September 2003. These works comprise the redevelopment of George V Stadium in two phases and the upgrading of the Badminton Centre at Rose Hill, the Anjalay Stadium, the Serge Alfred Swimming Pool, the Pandit Sahadeo Gymnasium, and the Dojo at GRNW.
The provision of Rs 60 million is for the following:
(i) Rs 40 million for the redevelopment of Phase I of George V Stadium; and
(ii) Rs 20 million for the renovation of the other existing sports infrastructure.

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